Legend of Five Dragons

【Legend of Five Dragon Ponds】Part Two

(Summary description)At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there was a king in Sanhu Village. He had only one son and one daughter in his fifties. It's natural to be happy when he is old, and soon his son married a daughter-in-law, and the daughter Fengxian also grows into a big girl. One day, the aunts and sisters came to the pit pond by the village to wash their clothes. Fengxian found that there were five colors of blue, red, yellow, white and black floating in the water.

【Legend of Five Dragon Ponds】Part Two

(Summary description)At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there was a king in Sanhu Village. He had only one son and one daughter in his fifties. It's natural to be happy when he is old, and soon his son married a daughter-in-law, and the daughter Fengxian also grows into a big girl. One day, the aunts and sisters came to the pit pond by the village to wash their clothes. Fengxian found that there were five colors of blue, red, yellow, white and black floating in the water.

After the news spread that Ma Xiuzhen turned into a dragon lady by eating fairy peaches, Xiuzhen's parents, who lived in the Ma's compound at Turnstone Du, were deeply saddened, but it was too late to regret.

This year, there was a severe drought for more than two months, and most of the crops of the farmers in Turnstone Ferry were dead. Ma Yuanwai heard that the daughter Xiuzhen mother and son lived in Tianjing Mountain, and Prince Long could call the wind and rain, so he led all men, women and children at the Turnstone Ferry, carrying the iron god of grandfather Xiuzhen Longniang, offering sacrifices, beating gongs and drums, and came in mighty Tianjingshan asked Prince Long for rain.



 It’s strange to say that when they finished the sacrificial ceremony and before they left Tianjing Mountain, heavy rain followed, and they continued to the Turnstone Ferry, which relieved the drought in the farmland and harvested crops.

People thank Xiuzhen Longniang for having a good son, and also thank Long Prince for doing a great deed for the people. Therefore, whenever there is a severe drought season, the people there will come to Wulongtan to ask Prince Long for rain.

The news of asking Long Qiuyu reached the ears of the people near Tianjing Mountain. At first, they also asked Long Prince for rain with the mentality of trying it out. It was really efficacious and responsive.




Picture Source/Visual China

After this, whenever there is a severe drought in the Yinxi area, the people will, under the leadership of the patriarch, make a statue of the Dragon Prince, offering sacrifices such as whole pigs, whole sheep, whole chickens, whole ducks, and whole geese. , Beating gongs and drums, praying in three steps, begging for rain from Tianjingshan Dragon Prince.



Picture source/Bing

Prince Long also thanked his kind-hearted and sincere people for ensuring their harvests from droughts and floods every year.

This matter was passed on to ten, ten to hundred, and soon it was passed to the county grandfather, who asked for rain to thank Prince Wulongtan for rain. In the first year of Jianlong in the Northern Song Dynasty, the courtyard courtyard and the five dragon gods were built in Tianjingshan. Please worship the dragon beseeching rain.



Picture Source/Weather Network

 In a blink of an eye, it was the 16th year of the Wanli Ming Dynasty. Xu Yanshou, the magistrate, went up the mountain to ask for rain. Seeing the beautiful mountains and clear waters, there was a huge platform on the patio hills, so he built an altar for praying for rain. Since then, whenever there is a severe drought season, the magistrates will lead the people to bow down at the altar for three days and three nights to pray for rain. Strangely speaking, since the Ming Dynasty, as long as the county grandfather asked the dragon for rain, it was very effective almost every time.



Later, due to the gentle wind and drizzle every year, there was no major drought, and the people and officials forgot to worship.

One year, the sky was not beautiful, and the drought was more than March. Since generations of people have not gone to Tianjingshan Wulongtan to ask for rain, no one knows how to worship or where to worship. To understand the drought, the patriarch led the people to run around asking for rain, but God did not rain. In desperation, the patriarch had no choice but to lead the people to carry water day and night, and the people endured all the suffering.



Picture source/nick picture net by: Looking for small stones

On this day, the weather was hot and the sun was harsh, and Tianjingshan Dragon Prince felt dizzy, so he summoned an envoy to ask about the situation. The envoy said: "The drought has been more than three months, and most of the crops have died. The common people are irrigating the fields day and night. "Yes." When Prince Long heard this, he was taken aback and thought: For hundreds of years, the people have been asking for rain in the future. I also tried to take a leisurely moment. I didn't think I had reached the point of carrying water.



Picture source/Bing

So he immediately called the messenger to check on the drought. After inspecting the drought, the messenger reported: "If the rain is not applied in time, the people will have no harvest."

The prince of the dragon immediately summoned the sons and grandsons of the dragon, sounded the gong to clear the way, and in an instant, there were dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain began. When the people saw this scene, they immediately lit incense candles and bowed their heads to Tianjingshan, thanking Prince Long for sending charcoal in the snow and saving the lives of the people.

After the autumn harvest, the people rebuilt the Dragon Prince statue, offered sacrifices, beat gongs and drums, firecrackers blasted, and went to Longtan, Tianjingshan, to thank Longen. Since then, regardless of whether it is a severe drought or a minor drought, the people of Yinxi have to sacrifice to the Tianjingshan Dragon Prince after the autumn harvest, which has been followed for hundreds of years. This custom of asking for rain was abolished until the "Cultural Revolution" "breaking the four olds".

Now, with the development of the "Five Dragon Pond" tourism, this custom of asking for rain has been restored as a "dragon culture" sacrificial activity.




  Wulongtan Ancient Altar


Image film of Wulongtan

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